The Donkey Divers enjoyed
our visit to Australia.
Here are a few pictures of some of us on our trip.
on the thumbnails to see an enlarged picture.
Here are
the Donkey Divers getting ready to head to the airport in Atlanta. We met at Johnny and
Linda's house took this limo (a stretch Expedition) to the airport.
We like to go in style.
Linda, Shawn and Zack relax on the front porch of our bed & breakfast as soon as we
arrive in Townsville.
Once again, we travel first class.
The view
from the front porch was outstanding. It was especially nice to enjoy the sunrise or a
glass of sherry at sundown on the porch.
Donkey Divers seem to find donkeys everywhere we go. One night on our way to have dinner
down on the harbor in Sydney, we passed this street performer dressed as a donkey.
The day
after we arrived Australia we boarded the Spoilsport. We lived on this boat for seven
For the next week, the only land we saw this
small island. It was a narrow strip of sand in the middle of nowhere. We went ashore to
watch the sun set one evening.
Here I am giving the "OK" signal
just before I enter the water from the high platform.
Jan and Zack pose for a picture under water.
You won't here me say this too often.
"There were too many fish on some of the dives."
I was trying to get a picture of Johnny and Linda. We were all trying to get the fish
to out of the way but this was the best we could do.
Zack prepares for the "Full Monty."
Jennifer gets in position for a good view.
They will
shoot me for this one.
Shawn seemed to be having trouble
keeping his shorts up, too.