Bonaire 2011
Mike and Kim headed
back to Bonaire in December, 2011. We had a great time and got in some
spectacular dives. The weather was overcast and rainy most days so most
dives did not have the benefit of bright sunshine and the rain causes
run-off that decreases the visibility. The visibility was still over 50
feet (considered excellent in most locations) but in Bonaire it is
usually better than 100 feet. I now have 350 dives on Bonaire and Kim
made her 100th dive. Her total is now 103 dives (48 on Bonaire).
We also got to make a couple of dives with Sailboat Sally and visit with
her at dinner.
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We took the red-eye down from
Houston on Continental. We got to see the sun rise on Saturday from the
air. |
Kim made her 100th dive while we
were in Bonaire. For those of you familiar with the dive sites there,
you can see that this picture was taken at 100 feet below the surface on
the Helma Hooker wreck. |
One of Kim's goals this trip was
to find her first sea horse. We were diving at Red Beryl when she
discovered this guy. |
Some squid that we saw in the
shallows. |
After one dive a few donkeys came
by to say, "Hi." to the Donkey Divers. This mother and her baby came up
to see what we had in the truck. |
This spotted moray eel was
swimming free one day. |
This golden eel was hiding in the
coral and just stuck his head out to warn us to stay away. |
In a little cove along the shore
at Oil Slick Leap there was a school of copper-colored glassy sweepers
hiding behind these yellow stripe snappers. Very rare to see glassy sweepers.
This guy swam with us for a while
on 1,000 steps. |
Kim was feeding watermelon to two
French Angel fish named Filet and Mignon at Forest on Klein Bonaire.
Watching the sun set while we
rinse our gear in preparation for a night dive. |
An arrow crab (looks kind of like
a daddy long legs spider) hides beside an anemone. |
Just in case you get tired while
diving a site called Bachelor's Beach, there is a chair where you can
sit down and take a rest. |
Lots of beautiful colors on
Keepsake. |
At first glance this Coronet fish
may look like a very large Trumpet fish to many divers. |
The Coronet fish is rarely seen.
In over 880 dives this is only my third. Part of the reason may be that
they are so large (this one was over 4 feet long), they blend in so well with the background. |
This Christmas Tree worm reminds
me of candy corn. |
In this picture you can see a red
banded cleaning shrimp in the foreground and a spotted moray eel in the
background. |
Big puffer fish. |
This yellow Trumpet fish glides
through the soft coral. |
One of about dozen Lion fish that
we spotted. The marine park is actively hunting the fish now in an
attempt to reduce their numbers since they are not native to these
reefs. |
Someone from the marine park
had better get these two soon Kim found these two Lion fish in a
courting ritual. It won't be long before the female (white when in
mating mode) will be laying some eggs. |
Saw a lot more Spade fish than in
previous years. Probably saw Spade fish once or twice every day.
This is a pea-sized juvenile trunk
fish. When he grows up he will look like the one in picture below.
This little Trunk fish wants to
give you a kiss. |
Beautifully graceful purple
anemone. |
Coral formations are artistically
unique on the walls. |
Spotted moray popped his head up
to say, "Hi." |
Prior to 1999 the shallows on the
west coast of Bonaire were thick with Elkhorn and Stagg horn coral.
Waves that hit the island from a distant storm (Lenny) destroyed most of
the coral in areas shallower than 15 feet. This year I noticed a lot of
areas where the Stagg horn and Elkhorn coral are coming back. This is a
patch of Stagg horn coral. |
This young adult French Angel fish
still has very light stripes of a juvenile. |
There were three scrawled file
fish hanging out above this rope coral but I could never get all of them
to face the same direction at the same time. |
This is a different scrawled file
fish poses for me. |
This is a little blue banded
cleaner shrimp in a striped anemone. |
This Rock Beauty was checking me
out as it swam by. |
This turtle would have let me swim
beside it until it had to ascend for air. |
Several blue banded cleaner shrimp
surround this purple tipped anemone. |
A secretary blenny pokes his head
out of his home in a brain coral. |
Another blenny turns to look at
the camera. |
I always hate it when I find the
dive boat before I am ready to surface. |
Small coral head with several
types of coral. |
Group of huge purple tube sponges.
Juvenile spotted drum fish.
An adult spotted drum fish tries
to hide under a coral ledge and behind a big-eyed squirrel fish.
A shy golden eel peeks out of the
coral. |
Peacock flounder shows off his
colors. |
Another peacock flounder decides
that it is better to try to blend into the surroundings. |
Young adult French angel fish.
Three French angel fish.
This harlequin bass appears to be
giving me a dirty look. He does not want me taking his picture.
Kim gets her magnifying glass out
to observe some of the micro creatures living in the reef. |
This Queen angel fish shows off
the blue crown on her head. |
Another scrawled file fish raises
his trigger. |
A sharp tailed eel is out hunting
in the coral and rubble. |
This baby spotted eel was about
the size of a pencil. |
Two trumpet fish turn from tan to
black to try to blend in with a school of feeding tangs. |
Path from our room to the Tiki Bar
. |
Sunset from the breakfast area.
(For those of you who have been to buddy
Dive, you may notice the fishing line they have strung in the windows to
keep the sea gulls from flying in to join you or steal your food when
you turn your back. Made breakfast much more enjoyable.) |
End of a great day as the sun sets
behind us. |
Enjoying dinner at Mona Lisa
restaurant. Always a great meal topped off by my favorite desert there,
the apple pie with cinnamon ice cream. |
To see pictures from other dive
trips, click on the button below to go to my SCUBA page. It has links to
other pages of pictures and dive reports from many different dive trips
over the years.
