Bonaire 2012
Mike, Kim,
Robin and Wally R. headed
back to Bonaire in April, 2012. We got in a week of great diving.
We made 28 dives and spent over 27 and a half hours underwater.
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We had a great night dive on the first
night. I didn't take
my camera but it would not have done me any good anyway. The
most amazing thing we saw can not be photographed with normal
photography equipment. Only 15 minutes into the dive we saw thousands of
tiny jelly creatures that had come up from the deep. We could only see
them if we turned off our dive lights so that it was dark enough. They
look like groups of small gelatin balls hooked together in chains of
about 10 and their center would light up in a blue glowing blink from
bottom to top. It was amazing. I have made over 900 dives and this was
only the second time I have seen this. The other time was several years
ago on a night dive at Bachelors Beach less than half a mile from where
we saw them this year. We saw them three other nights this on our night
This is not the best picture I have ever taken of
a green moray eel but it is the first picture I have taken of green
moray on the reef at Bonaire in several years. The green morays all died
off a few years ago from what was thought to be a virus. I did not see
any in December when I dove there but we saw four of them this time so
it was good to see that they are back on the reef. |
Most of our dives (28 in a week) were shore dives.
Haul the tanks and equipment to the dive site, set up our gear and wade
into the ocean. |
We went up to the Washington National Park one day
to see what the sites up there looked like. Prior to the waves from
Lenny that hit the island back in 1999, the sites on the northern end of
the island had some of the best hard coral formations in the world. The
storm caused waves that destroyed a lot of the reef in shallow areas and
damaged the reef very deep on the northern sites. I had not been up
there since that time but was told that the reef was coming back. I was
very disappointed. The reef is recovering but it is not as nice as it
was and not really worth the two hour drive to the sites. In this
picture, Kim and Robin found a picnic area to use to put on their wet
suits without getting sand in them. |
Here Kim models her wet suit. Unfortunately, I put
the camera down after I took this picture because when she went to put
on the booties that you see on the table behind her, she let out a loud
scream and threw the booty about 10 feet away. As soon as it came to a
stop a dazed crab came crawling out of the booty. Apparently it had
crawled into the booty while it was on the patio the prior night. She
found it with her foot. After that she checked her booties very
carefully before putting her feet into them. |
This spotted moray eel was out looking around
during the day. You can also see an arrow crab (looks like a Daddy
Longlegs spider) in the background. |
This purple tip anemone is pretty as it sways in
the surge of sea but if you look closely, there are little creatures
living within it. See the pictures below. |
This is a very tiny harlequin shrimp that lives in
the anemone. |
Here you can see another small harlequin shrimp
that is walking away from the camera. |
Here you can see a couple of the harlequin shrimp
in a different anemone. |
This is closer view of one of the shrimp.
Here are 7 squid that put on quite a show for us
as we were heading back to shore after a dive in front of Carib Inn.
This was a first for me. While I was looking down
at the coral at a site called "Something Special" one of my dive buddies
was banging on their tank to get my attention. When I looked up there
was a Manta Ray just a few feet away swimming right towards me. Most of
the video and all the pictures I took were of it as it swam away. That
is the only manta ray I have ever seen while I was underwater.
Large group of school masters.
Wally R and I both made our 900th dive this trip.
Wally made his 900th at Andrea I right after lunch on Wednesday and I
made mine on the next dive at a site called the Lake. |
The four Donkey Divers on this trip are (l-r) Kim,
Mike, Wally R and Robin. Wally and I were made ambassadors to Bonaire by
the travel and tourism company. This was my 13th visit to the island and
Wally's 10th. We are both wearing our medals in this picture.
We saw this sea horse at Knife, a dive site on
Klein Bonaire, a small uninhabited island off Bonaire. |
We saw this sea horse on the same site.
This secretary blenny poked his head out of his
home in the brain coral to see what was up. |
This chain link eel had his head out
as well. These guys are not very commonly found and they rarely have
their head out where you can get a good picture. We found this one and one other on
this trip. |
This honeycomb cow fish posed for me. Notice the
"horns" over his eyes. |
A Flamingo Tongue snail moves up a branching coral.
Kim spotted this pea-sized juvenile trunk fish.
One day that little juvenile trunk fish may grow up to look like
this adult. |
Another Chain link eel that we found
on our last dive of the trip. |
Same eel as above. We rarely see this
type of eel. When we do it is usual to see their head. They don't
usually see it this far out so this was an exciting find. |
Wally and I received medals from the
Tourism Corporation of Bonaire
to recognize as Ambassadors for our 10
and 13 years of visiting the island.
Beautiful, colorful walls of coral.
Another purple tip anemone.
French Angel. |
Arrow crab. |
View from out kitchen. |
"Hello. Hello! Can you hear me now? Is
anyone in there?" 6 banded butterfly fish seems to be talking into a
tube sponge on the Hilma Hooker at about 90 feet below the surface.
My 3 dive buddies follow along the
wall. |
All geared up and ready for a late
afternoon dive off the dock at Belmar apartments where we stayed.
Adult spotted drum fish. |
Small golden eel looks at us as we
swim by. |
After a day of great diving we had
dinner at Cactus Blue. |
large Barracuda hovers over the reef.
Can you see the frog fish? They rely
on their ability to blend in with the coral and ambush fish as they swim
past. It is the orange and white figure in the center of the of the
photo. |
Little Yellow-Headed Jaw fish bravely
ventures out of his hole to see what is going on. |
In this shot, he swims up towards and
gives me a big smile. |
Kim is gearing up for a night dive off
the docks. |
Kim swimming along on dive in the
daylight. |
Kim surrounded by a school of small
fish. |
Kim feeding watermelon to a French
Angel fish at a site named Forest on Klein Bonaire. |
Dinner at Mona Lisa after another
great day of diving. |
Another sunset after a day of dives.
While these lion fish continue to
terrorize the reefs of the Caribbean since they started showing up here
over a decade ago, they are beautiful and it is hard to resist
photographing them. Their numbers on the reefs of Bonaire seem to be
going down. Hunting and eating them seems to be successful but we still
saw a few every day. |
Another view of the manta ray we saw
at Something Special as it swam under a catamaran that was moored there.
Our second biggest find at Something
Special was this octopus that came out to play for a while in the
day. |
This octopus that we found at Captain
Don's Reef on Klein did not want to come out and play. He stayed tucked
away in the large coral head. |
Robin tries to get a picture of this
big Midnight Parrot fish as it swam between us. |
Another Midnight swims along the reef
eating. |
A puffer fish swims away as I try to
get it to pose for a picture. |
Celebrating another day of diving at
It Rains Fishes. |
Two rock beauties. |
Kim and I suited up before our dive at
Boca Slagbaai. |
Scorpion fish tries to go unnoticed on
a coral head. |
A Blue Banded Cleaning Shrimp in a
banded anemone. |
Another Flamingo Tongue Snail climbing
on coral |
A yellow trumpet fish hides in soft
coral. |
This yellow trumpet fish tries to
pretend he is part of the Spanish Hogfish that he is shadowing.
This turtle is feeding on coral.
Wally noticed that this turtle has
lost his right rear flipper. |
Yep. Definitely only three. Must have
run into a shark. |
A small hawk bill turtle. |
This guy stopped for a snack.
Wally and Robin at sunset. |
Dive Log for Bonaire Trip
April 2012 |
Location |
Dive Site |
Maximum Depth |
Bottom Time |
4/14/2012 |
Bonaire |
Sara's Smile |
48 |
53 |
4/14/2012 |
Bonaire |
Sara's Smile |
Night Dive 21 |
30 |
4/15/2012 |
Bonaire |
Weber's Joy |
45 |
59 |
4/15/2012 |
Bonaire |
Karpata |
54 |
59 |
4/15/2012 |
Bonaire |
Viata Blue |
62 |
61 |
4/15/2012 |
Bonaire |
Sara's Smile |
Night Dive 37 |
32 |
4/16/2012 |
Bonaire |
Boca Slagbaai in Washington Park |
66 |
54 |
4/16/2012 |
Bonaire |
Andrea II |
41 |
59 |
4/16/2012 |
Bonaire |
Buddy Reef |
34 |
61 |
4/16/2012 |
Bonaire |
Sara's Smile |
Night Dive 46 |
77 |
4/17/2012 |
Bonaire |
Oil Slick Leap |
69 |
60 |
4/17/2012 |
Bonaire |
Carib Inn |
51 |
68 |
4/17/2012 |
Bonaire |
Andrea I |
64 |
66 |
4/17/2012 |
Bonaire |
Lake |
60 |
54 |
4/17/2012 |
Bonaire |
Sara's Smile |
Night Dive 44 |
32 |
4/18/2012 |
Bonaire |
Knife |
56 |
64 |
4/18/2012 |
Bonaire |
Joanne's Sunchi |
57 |
68 |
4/18/2012 |
Bonaire |
Hilma Hooker |
100 |
52 |
4/18/2012 |
Bonaire |
Red Beryl |
49 |
60 |
4/18/2012 |
Bonaire |
Sara's Smile |
Night Dive 39 |
64 |
4/19/2012 |
Bonaire |
Something Special |
45 |
61 |
4/19/2012 |
Bonaire |
Bachelor's Beach |
50 |
54 |
4/19/2012 |
Bonaire |
Keepsake |
47 |
65 |
4/19/2012 |
Bonaire |
Forest |
50 |
67 |
4/19/2012 |
Bonaire |
Sara's Smile |
64 |
63 |
4/20/2012 |
Bonaire |
Capt. Don's Reef |
43 |
69 |
4/20/2012 |
Bonaire |
Nearest Point |
49 |
64 |
4/20/2012 |
Bonaire |
Sara's Smile |
50 |
76 |
To see pictures from other dive trips, click on the button
below to go to my SCUBA page. It has links to other pages of pictures
and dive reports from many different dive trips over the years.