Bonaire 2013

Kim and I went
back to Bonaire. My favorite place to dive.
I made my 1,000th dive this week and Kim
made her 200th dive.
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Johnny, Linda, Robin and Wally went to
Bonaire in July. We were not able to join them as we had hoped to do.
While they were there Wally made his 1,000th dive. He was the first
Donkey Diver to hit the millennium mark. |
Documented proof of Wally's big dive.
l-r: Linda, Wally, Murph (long time divemaster at Buddy Dive) and
Johnny. |
Saturday update: My dive
camera never made it into the water today. After flying down on the
red-eye from Newark I spent most of the morning getting checked into the
apartment, going through dive orientation, purchasing a marine park
permit to dive, renting a truck and going to the grocery store. I didn't
have time to set up my camera. We did manage to get in 5 dives despite
not getting into the water until 11:00 and having to rent a truck, go to
the store and eat lunch in between the first two dives.
I hope to have some good pictures to upload Sunday
night. We had some good dives today. I saw at least 3 large puffer fish
on each of our first 4 dives. One of them swam right beside me for
nearly 20 minutes of the dive. Kim said it was like "Mary's Little Lamb"
following me everywhere I went. Light rain and an overcast sky made the
visibility less than ideal for this location but it would still be
considered excellent by most dive operations in other locations. The
water is warm. My computer was reading 83 or 84 all day. Kim's was
reading 81 or 82. We dove without wet suits all day. I decided to
use a shortly for the night dive and I got so hot, I had to open the
zipper to cool off. Great water conditions. The night dive was like a
pyrotechnic event. Sparks were flying off fins. Even my bubbles were
twinkling with light. It was the best bioluminescence conditions I have
ever seen. Even with our dive lights turned off, I was always able to
see where my dive buddy was from the sparks. Later this week there will
be mating ritual of small glowing creatures that come up from deep to
mate at night. They look like small chains of blue lights that blink in
sequence. We saw a few of them tonight. There was also a confirmed
sighting of a 12 meter (about 36 feet) whale shark yesterday at the
Hilma Hooker and a large manta ray at oil slick leap. |
There was no discussion about
where to eat dinner. One of our favorite places to eat is Bobbejan's
BBQ. They are only open on weekends so we will make this the first and
last place we eat dinner on this trip. |
Bobbejan's has the best ribs (goat) in
the Caribbean. I have never heard anyone say a bad word about them.
There was a long line there for carry-out but we lucked out and got the
last table available for dining in.
Sunday was sunny and warm. Another
good day for 5 great dives. We started out with some cliff diving at Oil
Slick Leap. Here you see Kim doing a giant stride off the cliff and into
the ocean. |
It is just the beginning of Shark Week
and we already have our first victim. This Trumpet Fish is missing his
tail. Obviously caused by a shark attack. Luckily the little guy is a
survivor and gets around pretty well. |
Another trumpet is doing better.
A group of glassy sweepers hiding a
cove along the shore at Oil Slick Leap. If you are diving this site,
take your time as you exit the site if the surge is not very strong.
Look back in the cove behind and to the right of the ladder. You will
usually find several fish and most of them are glassy or copper
sweepers. |
Flamingo Tongue Snails. |
An eel is cleaned by a shrimp and he
and an arrow crab hide in the coral. |
A huge fire worm moves from one branch
of soft coral to another while Kim watches. |
A couple of juvenile Jack Knife Fish
pose. |
Four French Angel Fish try to pose for
a family picture. |
A pristine white Christmas Tree Worm
on a coral head. |
A couple of Arrow Crabs. |
Pink Beach is a dive site that never
disappoints. Today, in addition to the colorful coral and thick waving
soft coral, Kim found a Chain Link Eel swimming free. These guys are
pretty rare and I have never seen free swimming. In fact I don't think I
have ever seen as much of one as I captured in this picture. They are
black with deep yellow patterns that look link chains, thus, the name.
A couple of Garden Eels stick their
heads up out of the sand to find a bite to eat. |
A Peacock flounder swims across the
sand. |
A few big iguanas hang out around the
resort looking for something to eat. This guy was watching us gear up
for an afternoon dive. |
Kim loves to look for small creatures.
Here she pulls out her magnifying glass for a closer look around some
coral heads growing on tug boat wreck. |
Kim swimming past a huge anchor.
This Rock Beauty is headed for a coral
reef to hide. |
Two Six Banded Butterfly Fish.
This little immature Trunk Fish was
bigger than a pea, but not much. |
The highlight of the day was when Kim
found this Coronet Fish. In all my dives, I have only seen 4 of these
guys. Kim found three of them. She is an excellent spotter for a
photographer. |
The Coronet Fish is about 4 to 5 feet
long with bright blue spots on them. |
Even though they are a big fish with
bright spots, their color pattern helps them to blend into most
background. |
This little sea horse couldn't stay
upright in the current. He as his nose in the sand. |
A barracuda hangs out in the shallows
under some soft coral. |
This is the first green moray eel we
have seen this week. They used to be common on Bonaire until a viral
disease killed them off about 6 years ago. This was big one at 1,000
Steps that we saw while I was doing my 1,000th dive. |
Half way through my 1,000th dive we
saw this huge southern stingray. He was digging in the sand when we came
across him. As he took off the sand slid off his back. |
This is the same stingray. He was
really huge. If you are familiar with the size of this type of soft
coral, this picture will some perspective on the size of this creature.
It was the largest stingray I have seen in the Caribbean. He was about 6
feet across his wingspan. |
A small Trumpet Fish tries to
camouflage himself as he aligns himself with a tube sponge. |

I made my 1,000th dive at 1,000 Steps.
I joined an elite club of Donkey Divers that hit this mile stone. Before
myself, only Wally Z. and Wally R. had this many dives. I have made 411
dives on Bonaire. |
If you are familiar with dive sites on
Klein Bonaire, then you can guess from this picture where we went for
our first dive today. This is Forest. You can tell that because as soon
as a dive boat ties up to the mooring Filet and Mignon, two French Angel
Fish show up at the stern knowing that divers will soon enter the water
and they will be fed. |
Kim loves to feed these two
watermelon. |
The coral in Bonaire is very healthy,
diverse and colorful. |
This spotted moray eel likes to show
his teeth. |
A large grouper found a comfortable
place to rest. |
This grouper is resting on the hard
coral. He doesn't look as comfortable as the one above. |
Kim swims over a huge Gregorian Fan at
Red Beryl. |
A Puffer Fish swims over some soft
coral. |
We saw our first turtle this week at
Red Beryl. |
Kim made her 200th dive at Mi Dushi.
I found a lot of small creatures
today. This is a tiny shrimp living in an anemone. |
Here another shrimp is crawling around
in another anemone. |
A tiny striped wrasse peeks out from
behind the fingers of a purple tipped anemone. |
This tiny octopus would easily fit in
my hand. He is making his skin rough and adapting his color to blend in
with the background. |
This afternoon we dove Something
Special and Yellow Submarine. Between the two sites saw nearly a dozen
Queen Angel Fish. |
This juvenile French Angel Fish was
exploring a mooring in the shallows. |
A very large group of tall purple
sponges. |
Silhouette of Kim swimming above me.
A small banded cleaning shrimp hides
in the coral. |
These two six-banded butterfly fish
seem to be checking out openings in the coral. Or maybe one is saying,
"Can you hear me now?" |
We found this turtle on Front Porch
dive site today. He swam along with us until he had to go up for air.
One thing we had not seen on this trip
until the last dive at Andrea 2 was squid. I found 4 squid in waist deep
water at the entrance. Kim found a school of 6 squid in the shallows on
the way back to shore at the end of the dive. Unfortunately the water
was a little cloudy in the shallows so I didn't get any really clear
pictures but I did get the shot of two of them as they suddenly turned a
light color and shot off. |
Two juvenile French Angel Fish explore
the coral. |
This Scorpion Fish is giving me the
evil eye and telling me to get lost because he is trying blend in with
coral and ambush some food. |
This is a view of that same Scorpion
Fish from a distance. Can you see him or is blending pretty well? If you
can not see him in the picture to the left, click
HERE to see
him. |
These two Six-banded Butterfly Fish
are cruising over the reef. |
Bait balls of tiny silver fish are
always fun. This was part of a huge bait ball that stretch for at least
40 feet. |
Another picture of the Coronet fish. |
A juvenile angel fish tries to find
some space in the Staghorn coral but it is filled with juvenile grunt
fish. |
We saw the same turtle two days in a
row at two different dive sites about 2 miles apart. What are the
chances of that? Maybe he was stalking us. This is him at Something
Special. The next day day we saw him at Front Porch. You can tell by the
defects in his shell. |
It may be true that a leopard never
changes his spots but this White Spotted Trigger Fish can make his spots
disappear. |
Here he is a few seconds later and
spots are fading. |
The spots are almost gone in this
picture. |
This is an official, government
installed traffic sign in Bonaire. I means, "Caution! Diver Crossing."
Since most of the diving in Bonaire is shore diving, divers drive along
the coast and look for a dive site. Then they pull off the road, gear up
and walk into the ocean to dive. In many cases, especially on this
stretch of road north of town, they have to cross the road to get to the
ocean. |
A large grouper is hanging out on top
the second reef at Alice In Wonderland. |
A French Angel Fish checks me out.
A Golden Eel pokes his head out of the
coral. |
The numbers of Lion Fish are down from
previous years due to eradication measures but they will never be gone.
this one hugs the ledge of coral to stay out of sight but I was able to
find him. |
A Southern Sting Ray glides along the
sand looking for something to eat. |
The view off our balcony in the day.
Kim and I on the balcony at sunset.
The name of house reef off the docks
at Belmar Oceanfront Apartments is called Sara's Smile. |
The house reef was named for Sara
Brandsen, a former member of the staff at Belmar from 2007 to 2011. She
was a Dive Master and later became a Dive Instructor before passing away
from Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma at the age of 24. This memorial marker was
placed on the floor of the reef that was named for her. |
Dive gear drying in the Florida sun. I
will put it away so that it is ready for my next dive trip. |