St. Croix 2019
First Trip to the Virgin Islands
This was my first trip to the Virgin Islands.
We dove with Cane Bay Dive Shop. Great bunch of people. Nice boat. The boat was never crowded. Their web site needs to be updated. It shows that they have 4 locations on the island but they now have only one. It is in Fredriksted, across from the Pier. We dove 5 days. The first two days, Monday and Tuesday, the boat went out of Fredriksted. That was about a 45 minute drive from our bed and breakfast. The last three days the boat went out of Salt River Marina, which was only about a quarter of mile from where we were staying. We made two boat dives each morning and did two shore dives afterwards. I did one night dive at the Fredriksted pier but the rest of our shore dives were done in the afternoon or at dusk.
The diving was absolutely great. We saw dolphins and sharks on multiple dives. We saw lots of Black Durgon Triggerfish on most dives. Flamingo tongue snails and red barrel sponges were also more commonly seen than in most places I have been diving. We also saw thousands of garden eels in the sand on the dives. When diving on the north side of the island we saw sharks on some dives at about 75 to 120 feet below the surface.
We saw dolphins on three dives. Once on a dusk dive at Cane Bay, it was getting dark, so Kim and I were getting ready to head back to shore when an adult dolphin and her baby buzzed me. The mother came up from behind me, turned and swam just a couple of feet in front of my face with the baby just on the other side of her. They surprised me and by the time I got my camera up they were swimming away. It was dark so the video and pictures did not come out very clearly.
Two days later, on a morning boat dive, not far from where we had seen them two days earlier, the same two dolphins swam right through our group of divers. There was another adult dolphin that followed them but did not come as close to the divers. He was probably with them two days earlier, but we didn’t see him since the darkness of the evening decreased the visibility.
While we were back on the boat and heading to our second morning dive, we saw the dolphins following our boat. On the next dive the three dolphins visited us again. The mother and baby come over and swam a circle around Kim. Unfortunately, she was so excited that she must have hit the wrong button her camera and I was off by myself filming a yellow headed jaw fish, so neither of us got pictures or video of the dolphins but one of the divemasters got some great video of the two dolphins circling Kim and rejoining the third dolphin.
Dive Log
Kim and I got in 20 dives in 5 days. I spent 19 hours and 39 minutes underwater.
We used air on one dive but dove with nitrox on all the other dives. The Cane Bay Dive Shop was good about having 80 and 63 cu ft tanks ready for us as long as we let them know a day ahead of time how many we needed. They even delivered them to our bed and breakfast when we needed them to.
Here is my dive log for the week.
Pictures From Our Trip:
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Soon there will be a link in the column to the right that will take you to a short video of our trip.
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