I'm still writing code to build this page. Check back later to see the fiinished product.

This website was originally designed over two decades ago. I am presently in the process of updating the software, design and content of the site. This website is a hobby, not a fulltime job so it will take a while. Many of the pages will remain in the older style until I get around to updating them. If you find links that don't work or pages that don't load properly or any other mistakes that need to be corrected, please email me with details and I will see what I can do.
When I have the time, I will attempt to update this link with my location. Click on the revolving globe to see where I am.
If you were looking for Mary Endrizzi (now Mary Wright) who is sometimes also known as "Drizz", you are at the wrong site. She is my little sister and stole that nickname over a decade after I had it. You can see a picture of her in the photo section.
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